
A new year begins

Internacional Fashion Fairs

A new year begins

Firstly, we want to wish you a happy 2012. A new year, which will surely bring us happiness and will make our dreams and wishes come true. In our “Fashion World", all this will translate into a good dose of creativity, demand and productivity.

Start a new "Gregorian Year" and at the same time, we initiated a "Fashion Year" with a new winter season. Specifically the 2012/13 winter season, which will tour the major European fairs. Fairs, where you can compare collections. The new proposals and their qualities, (materials / finishes), and its market acceptance. Check the status of them through the concerns of buyers. Analyze the growth of the industry in the main selling points. In short, we know the general situation in this sector throughout Europe.

This only confirms, in a clear way, the direct participation that the international fairs have in the activity and our correct opinion to define as "essential" all  these meetings and exhibitions. Valid for any of the parts involved in the production, sale and purchase of gender in the clothing industry.

Well known are the other individual and direct presentations and sales that solve deficiencies and needs in the most of cases. On the other hand, we gather the emergence of new technologies, offering new and important resources to dynamize the production.

But nevertheless, we still believe and betting on the business plural meeting and the global presentation of diverse social trends, for the professional exchange within a framework of creativity and development, for the brand positioning in a common market and for the subsistence of a genuine industry threatened by the economic recession and commercial adulteration.



A Blog by José Suárez




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